When your internet provider has errors on their website
Posted On February 6, 2022

C’mon CenturyLink. Get your shit together. When you have errors on your “We’re having technical difficulties” page, it makes me think you are having difficulties because you didn’t QA and have poor attention to detail.
All I want to do is pay my premium. I can never get you on that stupid app. What is your problem? You have been experiencing these difficulties you call them for way to long. You are a ridiculous excuse for a insurance company.
I moved over to Century Link because Cox had over a month where our internet was “down” for hours each day. I live in a major metro area, and it wasn’t a covid rerouting issue. One of their network points ( not sure what they call them ) nodes? was down, and they couldn’t get it properly fixed. It was absurd – even THEY knew it was absurd. But they took no ownership of the problem. I finally said fuck it and moved to Century Link. Good god, they are horrible but in a different way. At least with Cox you could eventually speak to someone who was fluent in english AND willing to do more than just read a script back at me. I think the latter might be an “American” cultural trait – being willing to skip some protocol to resolve a problem. Or at least give out information.
One of my other utilities was like you – I just want to pay my fucking bill. You WANT me to pay my bill. Why won’t you let me give you my money!