2016 Election: Disappointment

djt_homepage_desktopbI’m not sure where to start – we lost the election. I don’t understand the sense of betrayal and alienation that I feel today. It feels as if 8 years of work has been undone, as if America chose their President via TV Show call in vote.

I feel betrayed by a Democratic party that couldn’t seal the deal against one of the most disgusting candidates in modern history. A party that continues to get pushed around by the GOP – and never stands up for itself.

I feel betrayed by polls that put us ahead – and were wrong at so many different levels.

I feel alienated from an America that would choose Donald Trump as their president. For the first time in a long time I look at family and friends – and see enemies. I see “other”. I see Olds and Dumbs – people I don’t want to be around anymore.

I see a President-elect who is bereft of morals. His second rate conman routine has somehow fooled half of our nation – and the platform he ran on is a disgusting reminder of the global elites at the top of our ladder. Destruction of the environment for short term financial game. Banning people of certain religious belief from immigrating to our country. Pushing the tax burden back towards the people who can least afford it. Cutting the programs that I believe are integral to our stability, our prosperity and our sense of humanity. Feeding fear and hate, promising everything, delivering nothing.

After listening to the preaching and wailing of the religious right for decades – their savior is a thrice divorced, adulterer, hate preaching conman. They call him a “flawed vessel” or refer to accepting him “warts and all”. The Right complains that the Left mocks their religion – and there is truth to that. But how can we not when this is the example you set. When you talk about “Jesus” but nothing in your life reflects the messages your “prophet” left behind. You are small, and petty, and your tribe is made up of other small minded people. Your spirituality is dull coated and bland. Whatever power you connect to in your heart – it pay be painted with forgiveness sacrifice and love, but underneath is just the same old selfishness and self preservation.

I have never looked at the “other side” of an election and wished harm upon them. And today I do. There is a sick part of me that will enjoy watching Donald Trump break promise after promise to the people who elected him. I wish I could talk to the banks he now longer does business with… at what point does the con stop? Does it ever stop? When did you realize how screwed you actually were. And how did apply the appropriate pressure to bring him in line.

We have an obstructionist GOP – who has worked for 8 years to prevent progress in basic human dignity – gay rights, universal healthcare. These “Christians”. They are worse than whores. Sex for sale is an honest, if disapproved of trade. They are the thousand hooked little claws of a predator that feeds on America. They are rot that should be trimmed. Sickness that should be cut from the living body.

I felt our country was moving in the right direction – and today I am reminded that no – it is not. I feel helpless. I feel scared. I feel betrayed and confused. And the anger that rises out of that would enjoy seeing half of this country fed into a wood chipper. Watching with other eyes to see their souls sluggishly drift up, to be fed upon by the Eagle in the sky.


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